Monday, December 28, 2009
buying Tudung Instant Ala Arianni in progress
So, me in progress membeli beberapa helai tudung for myself heheee...
Previously dah beli kat Puteh Boutique kaler Salmon & Light Grey... dah sampai n dah pakai pon... puas hati hehee...tapi me nak cube kt web lain lak... saje2 tuka2 kan...
Sementara sibuk membeli belah tudung nih, my blogshop pon tergendala lah... insyaAllah pasni akan sambung balik update brg2 utk dijual... trying my luck kan =)
Monday, December 21, 2009
Nursing Bra
I have just bought several items for nursing purpose last month...bras and nursing essential...
I found that they're comfy and would like to share these products with all my friends and viewers =)
I bought :
- Kelly Padded Nursing Maternity Bra
- Sarah Nursing Maternity Sleep Bra
- Tina Nursing Tank
- Eunice Nursing Maternity Bra
- Tummy Tube w Removable Shoulder Strap
- Kelly bra is a padded bra... quite thick if compared to other bras I've got myself
- Sarah bra is so light cotton material...and make me easy to BF my baby,Ailaa at night...i love it!
- Tina Tank...easy and comfy to wear at home...heheee....
- Eunice bra....unbelievable to have the quality with only RM15.++ price...i am so amazed and cant hardly believe it...MUST TRY this!
- Tummy Tube...cover my tummy while i'm BF with ordinary tops...turn ordinary tops into nursing tops automatically...JIMAT =D
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Baby Changing Diapers Essential Needs
Today, i would like to recommend to all my viewers and friends especially moms or mom-to-be =) to use what i use...or at least try these brands hehee...they suit me and Myiesha well ~ we love them!
Based on my own experiences, i used baby wet wipes from three brands...don't have to mention here what are the brands la kan...not nice, the wipes i like the most is Anakku Wet Wipes simply because.....
- Anakku wet wipes are cloth like...really...some other brands did mention this too but the reality is they are not really cloth like...but Anakku....really cloth like and very soft
- Have refills packs that are so convenience
- I am buying Anakku products from their boutique and i am one of the club member...member get points heheheee...
Friday, December 18, 2009
My baby is driving me crazy
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Testing posting via email =)
Godek2 blog setting jumpe mende ni...
Kinda new to me...
Rase cam jakun lak...haha~!
How I wish my obsession to sew appear in me when I am 17 years-old...
Monday, December 14, 2009
I missed the golden chance…
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Happy 2nd month-old my dear Myiesha
Saturday, November 14, 2009
It has been so long since my last entry
Ailaa was born on the 4th day of Hari Raya Aidilfitri, 24th September 2009 at 9.27am. I was admitted to hospital early morning of 23rd September 2009 after my ‘air ketuban’ broke at about 2am that morning… my hubby and I was so excited that we don’t sleep that whole morning and prepare ourselves to go to the hospital early morning. We had breakfast first – sempat lagi tu… :P then we go to the hospital. Stay dalam wad for the whole day… but those nurses & the doc said the time hasn’t come yet. So we wait and wait until 7am of 24th September 2009 and that’s the time I was admitted to the labor room. It was the scariest moment in my life! But that’s okay... because it’s worth!
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
3 days out with hubby
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Finally bought CDs~! yeah...
Dear my baby J
Today, we finally bought you CDs (cloth diapers) that I’ve been surveying since 6-7months ago…heheee… bought for you set of 5 pcs CDs this month and already booked another 3 pcs for next month payment J mama so excited nk CD-ing you…hopefully they will suits you well…when the CDs are here with us, mama will take the pics aight…
Bonus papa xdpt2 lagi…boring btol…we are so worried and now in our berjaga-jaga mode when we want to shop…eventho it’s quite late to jimat cermat and save aside some money to buy things for you, but that’s the only way we’ve got…tahun ni, mama & papa wont celebrating raya…there’s no baju raya and no preparation for raya at all…this year, raya will be all about waiting for you J
We got confused when people or specifically makcik2 who met mama said that you’ll be a baby boy…almost 90% said that you’re a boy by looking at mama’s belly…while docs said that you’re a girl…we’ll see nnt kan…but we already prepared a girl’s name for you…in case you’re really a boy, papa wants to find a name for you…he said nama yg mama carik jambu2…dia nk nama2 yg macho & masculine…yelah tu….hahaaaa if Eeman Muhaimin, jambu ke name tu? Well, nvm la kan…let papa find the name he likes for you if you’re a boy…mama ikut je tak kisah sgt as long as the name has a good meaning J
Ahad lepas, mama jumpe kwn mama…she said, name Myiesha pendek sgt…should letak lg tambahan bg sedap lg name Myiesha…do you agree my lil’ one? Kalau la mama bole tanye baby kan senang mama nk letak name ape yg baby suke! Haha! But papa said kalo name pjg2 lg susah…dah la name papa pon dah pjg kan… mama rase ok kot Myiesha binti Erwan Musyit…sedap kan? Maybe the pronunciation mcm biase je…but the meaning pon mmg mama suke sgt! My fren asked me to crk name yg ade makna pandai…I agreed gak dgn pendapat dia tu…nnt mama survey lg k…right now, mama tgh busy survey and list out brg ape lg nk beli…
Ok…we’ll continue later k dear…daa daa~
Thursday, August 27, 2009
rase yang tak best!
Dah lame tak update blog…hehee…ermm…arini kalo ikutkn due date ticker, ade lg lebih kurang 35 hari je baby dlm perut… ntah nape arini tetibe rase mcm down je sbb bace forum kan…utk expecting mom, mcm2 mak or in-law diaorg siapkan utk diaorg and the baby of cos…but not for me…I felt like we ( I meant myself and families) are not ready to welcome the baby – speaking of the preparation…tak mcm org2 lain dlm forum tu…mcm2 sume dh siap and well-prepared to welcome the baby…
Well, if psl happiness nk ade baby, mmg la me and hubby happy…tp bile tgk physical preparation, mcm tade ape2 yg akan berlaku…no preparation at all…ntah la xtau nk pk ape…I guess maybe it’s just my over-reacted feelings since bace org lain punye experience mcm best je kan…but, deep down inside mcm sedih la jugak sbb mcm x diendahkan pon…
Wateva it is, my dear baby, don’t worry k…mommy & daddy loves you so much~!and of cos our families loves u too! Dat’s for sure!
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
My Observation
As far as we concern, besides baby clothing and accessories, the most essential things for babies are susu + diapers btol tak? Inilah bende nye yg will cost us a lot since these two things lah keperluan baby yg paling utama dan bende yg pakai habis! Mcm baju + accessories tu, boleh simpan lg utk anak2 lain kan… diapers dah sah2 la kebanyakkan drpd kite skang ni gune yg disposable and susu, of cos la baby minom abes! Daily essentials tu besides their sleep haha!
As for susu, skang ni mmg dah byk kempen breastfeed. I’m quite sure we have heard about it kan? I hope me too can exclusively breastfeed my baby for two years complete. Harap2 nye laaa… heheheee… been looking for several tips and learn from other moms experiences especially yg working mom and still dpt 100% breastfeed baby dia for complete two years…mmg salute! Byk btol benefits fully breastfeed ni… so here I attached gamba yg tunjukkan betapa bagusnye kalo kite breastfeed baby kite… dunia skang ni mmg dah moden, rase bertuah sgt…in case ade rezeki dpt keje lepas ade baby nnt, ade mcm2 cara utk working mom to still breastfeed their babies… I hope I get the opportunity to work and still be with my baby at the same time! Excited tgk accessories utk mama2 sume yg nk breastfeed 100% and still go to work! J

Ok…skang kite ckp psl diapers lak…wah ni lg byk info2 menarik! I found info on diapers ni yg rasenye sgt2 la nk share dgn kwn2… maybe some of us dah tau psl ni but nvm, let’s share for those yg lom tau lg…Nampaknye dunia moden skang ni mmg akan membuatkan kite rase bertuah! :D
Kenape kite nk gune disposable diapers? a person yg lom ade baby pon lg, still waiting until end of September J reason yg came across my mind would be, mestila sbb senang kan. A lot easier than yg traditional lampin tu… Bayangkan nk gune lampin yg kite refer as napkin kain empat segi tu…punye la susah…dah la kene tukar slalu…dgn kesan2 kuning lg nnt kt lampin tu…dgn baby bocor lagi kalo lmbt salin…so, of cos la kite akan amik pendekatan yg lebih baik, by using disposable diapers!
Tapi, lately ni kebanyakkan drpd kite mula aware of global warming, especially kat overseas, diaorg dah mula kempen selamatkan alam sekitar, akhirnye they come out dgn idea yg sgt bernas – utk disposable diapers ni, memandangkan penggunaan disposable diapers ni sebenarnye mendatangkan keburukan yg amat sgt kpd our environment. They invent diapers yg gabung ciri2 tradisional diapers dgn function disposable diapers…maka lahirlah cloth diapers… byk review on the net psl ni…most of them refer this new type of diapers as modern cloth diapers! There’s several types of cloth diapers…I’ll continue later on everything we need to know bout our baby’s diapers J well, I’m so obsessed with this now! :P
Monday, August 03, 2009
Happy Besday Dear Daddy *hugs*
Dear Dad!
I wanna wish you a very happy birthday J me hope your days will be filled of happiness and that you’re always in the pink of health. Sorry we couldn’t go back to Melaka to celebrate…xbes btol xdpt join mkn2 kat umbai…huhuhu….
Today, still rase dizzy lg smp ke lunch time…when hubby balik,br la ilang moody and dizziness tu…sabau aje laaa…arini masak simple je…panaskan gulai lemak cilia pi daging salai yg mak mertuaku bekalkan heheee….dgn hati payau grg bwg + kalian grg sos tiram… tapi arini tade selera laa…lately takde selera dah nk mkn nasi rase nk mkn roti jeeee…
Owh ya, last Saturday, we went to ate SUSHI…~! Yahoooooo!!! Since there’s no Sushi King in Tawau, we ate at an independent sushi restaurant here…the taste ermmm not bad but the price, still the same as Sushi King…I wish Sushi King was here! Huhu… Ate my feveret sushi – Ebikko :D and several others then I had Beef Ramen haha~! Sume ni penangan tgk movie The Ramen Girl…dah teringin nk test mkn ramen la pulok :P after all the main course, we ordered their ice cream for dessert…not bad and I don’t think that flavour available at other place… we planned to have our second visit later on December to celebrate our 1st anniversary – being married J kenyang giler makan smp senak2 hahahaaa…baby pon bukan main bergendang lagi kicking and boxing inside…maybe dia pon excited sbb dia tak penah rase lg sushi kan! Hahahaaaaa
Then,we go back to my in-laws’ place and mcm biase…catch up stories dah 2 minggu xjumpe :P
Esoknye, masak2 bersama mertua and later in the evening, before balik Kunak yg super bosan ni, we both gi survey brg2 baby yg available kat Tawau :D excitednyeeeeeee!! Byk brg cute2 sume! Heheeee….
Owh ya…ade a little frustration disini…my baby’s items I bought thru the net still x sampai2 lg…adakah pos Malaysia yg mengabaikan area ni or driver boss yg lambat amik…I’m not quite sure bout that…huh…sabau aje lah!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Dizzy Day
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Beli baby's clothes lagiiii...heheheeeee....
Dear mama’s sweetheart J
Today, mama paid all items that mama have reserved to buy for you on the internet.Now,tinggal nk tunggu brg2 nye sampai ke umah kite je…xsaba2 rasenye nk tunggu…bonus papa tak masuk lg la bosan btol Sime Darby ni lambatnye masukkan bonus papa…byk lg ni brg mama nk beli ni…heheheee…
Wanna see what mama bought you? Let’s share…mama tgh excited ni…nk beli lg tp masih searching yg mane sesuai dgn budget yg ade n taste papa&mama J sorry we cant follow ur taste yet since u’re still in my womb :P
Well,we bought you romper & baju lagi…! So cute I can’t resist nak beli gak! Lgpun, branded & got discount some more!
1) Carter’s Romper Set of 4 pcs with 3 different designs and assorted colours
RM32.00 (include postage fee)

2) Anakku 2 in 1 newborn set
3) Anakku 2 in 1 newborn to 3months set
4) Anakku Pyjamas Set newborn to 3 months
Hmm…now mama dah tak sabar2 nk tunggu brg2 ni sume smp umah…cepat2 laaa sampai mama nk prepare nk basuhkan siap2 then waiting for the time to come until u’re here with us in our house J
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Lissa yang obsessi~! huahuahua
Erghhh…I can’t help myself but to yearn for more baby items!!! This time, I long for Fisher-Price: Portable Newborn to Toddler Rocker! So cuteeee and the seller have also listed the benefits of this rocker making me want this rocker more and more and more…let’s have a look at the facts I’m talking about!

Product Descriptions :- (pics taken from
It starts out as an infant seat or rocker with a low-profile frame, very appropriate for newborns. Then, as your child grows, you can easily convert it to an infant seat to add interactive toy play, then make it a toddler rocker. Flip out the kickstand to convert it from a rocker to a stationary seat. It folds easily and has a built-in handle, so it can go wherever you and baby do! Requires 1 "D" alkaline battery (not included). Includes 2 button-cell batteries for dog toy.
Maximum Weight: 40 lbs. (18 kg)
Developmental Guidelines: Use the upright position only when your child has developed enough upper body control to sit without leaning forward.
Benefits :-
Convenient space for feeding baby
So portable!
Machine-washable pad
Promotes comfort & security
Calming vibrations and gentle rocking motion help comfort and soothe baby.
Versatile seat angles add comfort for different age babies.
Stimulates senses
Baby-activated music and rattles offers auditory stimulation.
Bright colors and patterns stimulate baby's visual sense.
Adoiii…byknye brg yg I wish I could buy for my baby! Tgk baju2 baby kat online shopping ni pon dah rambang mata…ntah cemane la kalo masuk baby center mane2 ni…hahahaaa…sian my hubby have to layan my kerenah yg mengalahkan baby…mak nye yg lebih2…hahahaaaa stroller + carseat lom abes survey lg ni…dah sibuk dgn mende lain lak…brg2 essential lom tgk lg ni…dah sibuk dgn mende2 sampingan! Hahahaaaaa
One more thing that catch my interest is Simple Dimple : 2 in 1 Activity Playgym & Sleeping Mat with Pillow! Perghh menariknyeeeeeee!!! Mcm aku lak yg nk main tu nnt! Hahahaaaaa

Product Descriptions :-
- Playgym can be converted into sleeping mat with pillow
- Many interactive & activity toys such as hand puppet, soft rattle, rattle keys & mirror
- A basic & must have toy for nay growing baby
- Activity playgym will keep baby busy for hours
- Excellent to stimulate baby's hand-eye coordination, sensory development, imagination, exploration, focus & problem solving skills
- Enhance baby's brain development through fun & play
- Non toxic & meet international safety requirements
Recommended Age : Birth & Up
Aduh baby…nampaknye mama baby lak yg excited lebih2 nih nk shopping nih…mcm2 mama wish mama could buy!!!kuang3x…
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Letter to my dear baby
My Dear Baby,
So,this is my second letter for you J
Right now, at 5.42am after papa went to work, mama was getting online again still obsessed with baby items I want to buy for you. If only we have enough cash to get some leisure and buy anything we like! Oh mama wants to screammmmm!!!
Yesterday, we bought you 3 pieces of rompers and a pair of socks online. Want to see it? I’ll paste the pictures at the end of my letter aite…
Right now, I really2 wish we could buy this stroller and car seat for you. Well, if we don’t have to look at the price tag, mama & papa berkenan sgt dgn set yg ni…
Quinny Zapp & Maxi Cosi Cabrio Travel System
New / Baru
Ready Stock
Price : RM1550 include courier !!!
Retail Price : RM2057 (save RM507)
Tapi, mama & papa baru nak mula hidup berkeluarga…so, we don’t think we can afford to buy such things for our family. Sebab, yg mewah2 ni kehendak kan bukan keperluan… there’s a lot out there option lain utk memenuhi keperluan ada stroller and car seat so mama & papa have to go and look around for opportunity to have the best that still suit our taste & needs. Haaaaahhhh… nak yg cute nih jugak!!!! Mama lak yg xleh tahan diri mama ni daripade terburu nafsu nk beli yg ni jugak sbb sgt la comel nye stroller & car seat nih!!
Okay, besides stroller & car seat, mama pon tgh obsess pasal baby carrier. Mama jumpe forum ibu2 yg support suh baby wearing (sentiasa dukung baby dkt dgn parents) supaya baby will feel save and dekat dgn parents. So mama goes thru several websites and choices of baby wearing support accessories and mama jumpe lg baby carrier yg mama nak…! Haiiihhhh… byk btol brg mama nk beli for you but… I don’t know wat to say…huhuhu…
Ni la baby carrier yg mama nak tu… kalo la diikutkan nafsu, mmg byk lg brg dlm wishlist mama…heheheee…next post nnt mama akan letakkan brg2 yg dlm wishlist so that maybe later when our financial getting better, mama leh look back and tgk ape yg tak dpt dibeli and maybe leh beli later for your adik2… insyaAllah kalau family kite ni ade rezeki lebih & dpt berkembang lg…heheheee…mama ni byk sgt keinginan… pastu dah la tu, sume brg2 yg mama suke, biasenye mahal2…kui3x…
Okay, mama rase second letter ni smp sini dulu. Now dah kul 6.12am and mama dah mula lapa so mama nak gi wat bfast for myself and you sayang J but before mama end this letter, as mama has promised you early in this letter, mama gonna paste here those items yg mama & papa dah belikan utk Myiesha stakat ni…
1) Baby Bath Towel – Dryfirst Kids
Mydin Hypermart Ayer Keroh


2) Online Boutique
.jpg)
3) Trumpette (Tangerine Colour) Baby Socks Online Boutique
.jpg)
4) Carter’s Mama Sweet Heart Romper
5) Baby’s Own Romper x 2pcs
RM8.00 & RM10.00
Catch you later my dear sweet heart in my womb J takmo nakal2 eh sayang…